Vijay Mallya to be extradited to India

New Delhi: Government of India has announced a major economic package amid the Corona epidemic.
Vijay Mallya to be extradited to India

After this, everyone is giving their reaction to this, meanwhile, a response has also come from London. Fugitive liquor businessman Vijay Mallya congratulated the Central Government on this announcement and said that now the government should withdraw all the money from it.

Vijay Mallya to be extradited to India
  • Vijay Mallya tweeted, 'Congratulations to the government for the covid-19 relief package. They can print as many currencies as they want, but they should ignore a small colleague like me, who wants to return all the money of State Bank. Mallya further wrote that take all the money unconditionally from me and finish the case. It is noteworthy that liquor baron Vijay Mallya has been declared a fugitive in India, accused of bank fraud of around Rs 9000 crore. Vijay Mallya has been in London for a long time.

A London court ordered Vijay Mallya to be extradited to India, against whom he has filed an application in the British Supreme Court. Earlier, Vijay Mallya was also detained once, but is out on bail. Earlier too many such tweets have been made by Vijay Mallya in which he has requested that he wants to repay all the money taken from the bank.

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