Don't underestimate this white pouch coming out with the goods, read this news before throwing it

Don't underestimate this white pouch coming out with the goods, read this news before throwing it

Silca gel
Silica Gel

Whenever we buy something new like shoes or thermos, a small bag of paper is found inside it. People often throw it in the garbage considering it useless. But do you know that these small things can be useful for you? The pudding we are talking about is filled with silica gel, which serves to absorb moist
Silica gel
Silica gel

1. If your mobile falls in water or gets wet in the rain, remove the mobile battery and wipe it with a dry cloth. After this, keep the mobile in polythene and put two to four pouches of silica gel in it and close it. Let it be like that for a day or two. After this, your phone will be correct.

Silica gel

2. You can also use silica pouches to protect steel or iron utensils from junk.

3. If your shoe smells put a silicone slip. This will remove the stink problem.

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